Ohio County Economic Development Alliance Launches Redesigned Website
19 Jun 2020
HARTFORD, KY-- Ohio County Economic Development Alliance (OCEDA) recently launched its newly designed website to showcase its unique community brand of everything Bluegrass Music and further strengthen its online presence. It is also now translatable in many different languages and visible internationally.
The new website gives site selectors a place to start when they want to learn about the OCEDA community. It also gives current community members insight into what economic development and the organization are all about. Finally, the website demonstrates that even though Ohio County is a rural community, it meets all of the standards on the “hipster index.” It has a vibrant music scene, plenty of different foods, local shopping, and outdoor recreation possibilities.
“The Ohio County Fiscal Court was gracious enough to support our efforts to bring Ohio County to the forefront of rural economic development. Our first step was to create a professional, updated, functional website that showcases our story, who we are, and what we have to offer,” said Jodi Ashby, Executive Director, “OCEDA is on a mission to be among the best in rural economic development.”
OCEDA selected Golden Shovel Agency to redesign the website. The national economic development communications firm is recognized for its award-winning design and expertise in business and workforce attraction. “We wanted to be searchable, informative, and user-friendly. Golden Shovel has delivered,” said Ashby.
OCEDA wants employers and entrepreneurs currently operating within the community to know and understand that it supports them and is available to help. The website will give them a real view of the support offered and be continuously updated. The Executive Director plans to ensure that every community within Ohio County is represented.
“Working with Ohio County Economic Development Alliance on this redesign project has been a great experience. The customized online portal really highlights the community’s assets and demonstrates its economic growth potential,” said Ron Kresha, COO/CFO of Golden Shovel.
View the redesigned website at http://www.ohiocountyky.com
About Ohio County Economic Development Alliance
The Ohio County Economic Development Alliance is the main economic development organization for Ohio County, Kentucky. Its team is dedicated to the continued growth of its region and actively working to create opportunities for businesses and residents. From helping local businesses grow to recruiting new companies and marketing its area as an attractive destination for investment, OCEDA is at the forefront of on the ground economic development activities.
About Golden Shovel Agency
Golden Shovel Agency is a Minnesota-based, full-service marketing agency specializing in groundbreaking economic development communications. The Economic Gateway Web system includes an expandable and on-demand content management system (CMS) and a robust social media implementation strategy.
Information: http://goldenshovelagency.com
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Apr 29 2020